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dic 18, 2007



Off topics: qualche mese fa abbiamo lanciato una petizione per la candidatura di Gino Strada, creatore di Emergency, al Premio Nobel per la Pace. La petizione ha già superato le 8.350 adesioni, ma vogliamo raggiungere il traguardo simbolico delle 10.000 firme. Se non siete d'accordo con l'iniziativa, scusateci per il disturbo. Se siete d'accordo, vi chiediamo di promuoverla (e, se lo avete già fatto, di rinfrescarla) sul vostro blog. Voi stessi potete firmare sul nostro blog (fotina di Gino Strada sulla colonna laterale).

Grazie per la collaborazione

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So the first thing you need to resolve accurately the parameters of quality of service we intend to deliver, for example, to define what is the smallest bandwidth that you want users to access compared to the network load, the bandwidth maximum nominal and real, the maximum downtime shorter if network errors, the shortest down time to the maximum in case of failure of equipment the user, the quality of technical support (time, schedule, skills, etc.. ..) Based on these specifications and the size you have to choose the technologies and the necessary organization, and thus incur costs for this will be divided by the number of potential users in order to achieve a sale price, adding a supplement that will create a financial reserve to meet emergencies or to cover unexpected costs or more for the loss of users who do not subscribe to the service again.

If you see the sale price would be excessive in relation to expectations, will change (reduce) the quality of one or more parameters to reduce service costs and therefore have an economic balance in line with the desired price.

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